Fallout 4 Online Co Op

The best places to visit in Fallout 4 and where to find them on the map

  • Does anyone think fallout 4 could have an online co-op mod? Before you answer just consider F76 and these mods: Also I found some relevant pages Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fallout: Online proved that Fallout had a large MP community, and it was largely successful until its cancellation. When it comes to co-op, there's nothing more that I'd like to do in Fallout than to travel the wastes with even just one friend.

The Fallout 4 map has a lot of places to visit, and you may not get to them all. There are some places, though, that are too good to pass up. We've put together a spoiler-free collection of the best and most interesting places to check out whilst you're tooling about the wasteland (and a few of them are secret ones that won't show up on your map). Just remember to always be prepared


Oct 31, 2008 Does anyone think fallout 4 could have an online co-op mod? Before you answer just consider F76 and these mods: Also I found some relevant pages Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.


Covenant is a small community with a distinctly Stepford vibe to it in the Northern area of the map, and just west of the Taffington Boathouse. When you first arrive you'll have to take a test to prove you're not a synth, which is a series of questions about baseball and your grandmother administered by a bargain-basement Rick Deckard, and it only gets weirder from there. Find Honest Dan to pick up the Human Error quest and uncover the dark secret behind Covenant's chintz curtains. You can eventually get access to Covenant as a settlement, and it comes with ready made concrete walls and pristine houses.

The USS Constitution

Shipwrecked atop the Weatherby Savings & Loan Bank (on the end of the peninsula north of Boston) is the impressive USS Constitution, a tall ship with three masts and four giant rocket engines. It's crewed by a group of confused and slightly piratical robots under the command of Captain Ironsides. Helping the Constitution set sail is a lot of fun, as well as materialistically rewarding: the Captain will give you a massive gun for your efforts.

Fiddler's Green Green Trailer Estates

Fiddler's green is home to nothing more than feral ghouls now, but there is an incomplete set of power armour kicking about. That's not why we enjoyed it though. Around Fiddler's Green are the three parts of the holotape bedtime story The New Squirrel read by Story Time Simon, who may or may not sound like the sort of man you'd never leave alone with your children. Whatever Simon's background check might turn up, The New Squirrel is a delightful tale with a twist at the end and a moral that you might not have been expecting.

The Salem Museum of Witchcraft

The Salem Museum of Witchcraft is in Salem, which is in the north east corner of the map. You'll find various dismembered bodies inside, and the building continually shakes and creaks as whatever killed them stalks the top floor... Be prepared for a big fight. Like, bring a rocket launcher or something.

It's also worth poking around Salem to have a look in the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home, and to talk to Barney, a loud gentleman who'll be taking potshots at mirelurks with his sniper rifle.

The Rocket Shed

This is really close to Relay Tower 0BB-915, just a little north, and has almost no practical value whatsoever. What it does have is a makeshift way to launch gas canisters out over the Commonwealth, and a large supply of canisters to keep the party going. Just place them in the launcher, shoot the ends, and watch the show. The shed is a secret location and won't appear on your map, but it's not too hard to spot.

Hubris Comics

Hubris Comics is part of what this guide writer considers to be one of the best quests in Fallout 4, The Silver Shroud (which you can get from Kent Connolly in Goodneighbour). Even if it weren't part of a quest, Hubris Comics is full of interesting things to scavenge, a decent bit of unique armour, and memorabilia for a classic comic book hero that doesn't exist in this world but definitely should. It's also full of ghouls, but you can't have everything.

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Jamaica Plain

This small town had some big ideas, and hundreds of years on people are still spreading rumours about the treasure of Jamaica Plain. Head south, to the tip of the marshes, and see if you can be the one to finally get your hands on it. It's very heavily defended and it's a good idea to either be or take along an adept hacker like Nick Valentine, but the treasure may not be what you were expecting. You can also set Jamaica Plain up as a settlement once you've cleaned it out.

General Atomics Galleria

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The Galleria is pretty well stocked with useful scavengable items, including chems, metals, and Nuka Colas. It's also staffed entirely by robots, one of whom barks orders from inside a large statue that looks like a rocket ship. The robots are all named according to which jobs they do. Some of them have accents. It's near the top of the map, just up from Dark Hollow Pond. Why aren't you already going there?

Hallucigen Inc.

This company manufactured experimental chemicals for crowd control and dispersal, but at some point there was a leak that filled the whole building up with some sort of green gas. Now all the raiders inside are, as the kids say, tripping balls. You can get through an area of demo rooms without disturbing them, and then reach the control platform overlooking them all. There you can press buttons and unleash clouds of toxic death on the raiders, room by room, like some sort of malignant god. If that sort of thing appeals to you then you can find Hallucigen Inc. west of Boston Common.

The Submarine Yangtzu

Yangtzu is a Chinese sub that's been stranded for 200 years, and her captain is pretty sane for someone who's been alone with his thoughts that long. Once you've swum out there the Captain Zao will ask you to help get the Yangtzu going again. You'll be rewarded with some tactical nuke support, and Zao might be persuaded to part with his sword as well.

To get a quest marker for the sub you have to have a chat with Donny, a boy that lives alone on a pier behind The Shamrock Taphouse and Harbormaster Hotel (east from the Boston Common). The nearby radscorpions and raiders don't appear to concern him, but may concern you.

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Crashed Alien Spaceship

This is another secret location, and there are some reports that it doesn't always turn up in the same place, but it seems like you can reliably find a crashed alien spaceship in the woods near Oberland Station (which is where we saw it). Look for blackened trees and you'll eventually see some that are still flaming from the crash and - at the end of a deep furrow in the dirt - the spaceship itself.

Follow the splashes of green blood down the hill and into a cave to get your hands on a special weapon, although the current owner isn't too happy about giving it up.

Suffolk County Charter School

Suffolk County Charter school is in the south of map, amongst the marshland. You can pick up holotapes and read terminals which describe how the experimental food programme the school was suddenly signed up to started having a strange effect on the students. New England really couldn't catch a break in those days, could it? Suffolk County is, by the way, infested with odd, pink, ghouls, but there's a lot of cool loot and a magazine to find.

Old Gullet Sinkhole

Just to the west of the Greentop Nursery settlement is the Old Gullet, a whirlpool amidst the ruins of the houses it presumably destroyed when it formed. It's impressive to look at, but you can actually go into the sinkhole itself. Drop into the water and you'll reappear in a cave system underneath, which has the bodies of some of Old Gullet's victims floating around, as well as the skeleton of someone that made the caves their home and a collectible magazine to pick up.

Fallout 4 Online Multiplayer

Vault 75

Fallout 4 Online Co Op Campaign

Vault 75 is almost but not exactly a secret, in that it'll show up on your map but only after you've found it. It's hidden in the basement of Malden Middle School, southwest of the Greentop Nursery settlement, and was supposedly there for easy evacuation of the children and their families. This being a Vault-Tec Vault, and that company for some reason being particularly horrible to the people of the greater Boston area, the actual purpose of Vault 75 is Orwellian and creepy. It's fun finding your way through the vault and discovering it all, and there's a Bobblehead in it for you if you keep your eyes peeled.


Prost is an unmarked bar just off the Boston Common and Swan's Pond, marked by a blue door down some steps. Prost means 'cheers' in German. The interior is instantly recognisable to anyone who's a fan of 1980s American sitcoms. It's Cheers, is what we're saying. They built a bar into Fallout 4 that looks like Cheers. In Sam's back office there's some baseball grenades and a locked safe and trunk, but you're really there for the atmosphere. All the skeletons are sat where the Cheers regulars would be, although it's unlikely any of them actually knew your name even when they were alive.