Iso Coated V2 280 Eci

  1. ISO Coated v2 (ECI); InkSave 280. Format: (120.00 x 255.00 mm); Date: Aug 18, 2008 Output Profile: CMYK ISO Coated v2 (ECI); InkSave 280.
  2. ‘ISO coated v2 300% (ECI)’ can be used when the intended printing condition is not yet known. A lot printers prefer to keep the TAC to below 300% even for sheetfed offset on coated papers, to avoid printing problems caused by too high ink coverage.
  1. SwissGraphicDesign reacted to a post in a topic: Acrobat-Preflight fails for ICC profile check
  2. SwissGraphicDesign reacted to a post in a topic: Acrobat-Preflight fails for ICC profile check
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  8. phph reacted to a post in a topic: Acrobat-Preflight fails for ICC profile check
  9. Acrobat-Preflight fails for ICC profile check

    phph replied to phph's topic in Feedback for Affinity Publisher on Desktop

    Hi everyone As we’re still experiencing the failure of the preflight check in Adobe Acrobat even with the latest Publisher beta: Has anyone been able to export a PDF-X1a with a profile such as ISO Coated v2 that passes the preflight profile PDFX-ready Sheetfed Offset Classic HQ V1.5.? We continue to get the error Thanks for any input!
  10. phph reacted to a post in a topic: Wrong layer concept for an layout application
  11. phph reacted to a post in a topic: Wrong layer concept for an layout application
  12. phph reacted to a post in a topic: Wrong layer concept for an layout application
  13. Acrobat-Preflight fails for ICC profile check

    phph replied to phph's topic in Feedback for Affinity Publisher on Desktop

    Hi thomaso and everyone who replied! Thank you for your replies! Returning to your first message, @thomaso: Just to be sure: Which preflight profile did you use that did not return an error? We get the error ('Output Intent not suitable for printing (unknown ICC profile) (V2.4)') with the preflight profile PDFX-ready Sheetfed Offset Classic HQ V1.5. As I said: The PDF looks fine for printing. So this is mostly a question of complying to our workflow. But we would like to get to the bottom of the question, whether the fault lies with the preflight profile or in the way Affinity Publisher writes ICC profiles into the PDF.
  14. Acrobat-Preflight fails for ICC profile check

    phph posted a topic in Feedback for Affinity Publisher on Desktop

    Dear Affinity Users and Developers We’re just in the process of evaluating Affinity Publisher (tested with and and we’ve come upon a problem with the PDF/X export: In our workflow our print PDF files are checked in Adobe Acrobat against the preflight profile PDFX-ready Sheetfed Offset Classic HQ V1.5. Among other things this profile checks the MD5 checksums of the used ICC profile against a pre-defined list of profiles known to be appropriate for offset printing. When exporting a PDF as PDF/X-1a with the ICC profile ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI) from Affinity Publisher the preflight returns this error: Looking at the preflight report in the section Output Intents I noticed a difference between a PDF exported from InDesign and Affinity Publisher: The Output Intent is stated as ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI) for the InDesign-PDF and as ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI) (Custom) for Affinity Publisher The Color Management Module had a value of HDM (InDesign) and lcms (Affinity Publisher). Primäre Zielplattform (in English probably: Primary Target Platform): empty (InDesign) and Apple Computer, Inc. (APPL) (Affinity Publisher) Profil erstellt mit (in English probably: Profile created with): Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (HDM ) (InDesign) and lcms (Affinity Publisher) The other fields were the same in both files. So I suspected this to be the reason for the different MD5 checksums. But not being an expert on the ins and outs of PDFs and colour management I turned to where we discussed this (in German) in this thread. Olaf Drümmer of callas concluded (my translation): So the question is Is Affinity Publisher correct in changing the meta-data of the profile when writing the PDF file? And if so: Would PDFX-ready need to append their list of MD5 checksums to include those of profiles created with lcms? Any insights and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Best phph

The ECI offset profile ISOcoatedv2300eci. Icc is based on the characterization dataset “FOGRA39L.txt” applicable to for the following reference printing conditions according to the international standard ISO 12647-2:2004/ Amd 1: Commercial and specialty offset, paper type 1 and 2, gloss or matt coated paper, positive.

Using mkiv one can create PDF/A compliant outputs. The format PDF/A, where A stands for Archive, is a format supposed to be sustainable for archiving purposes (see See also a paper by Luigi Scarso on the issue of creating PDF/A file with mkiv:

A complete list of PDF formats which can be created can be found in lpdf-fmt.lua.


In ConTeXt mkiv, in order to create such a compliant PDF/A file, one can do as follows: first install (or check that they are present) the following color profiles files



of your Context standalone directory. The default_*.icc files are part of ghostscript and the file ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc can be found at:

Iso Coated V2 280 Eci

Iso Coated V2 280 Eci 2

Next add the following commands at the top of your file:

280Iso coated v2 280 eci 2

and typeset your file as usual: you'll get a PDF file which is compliant with the requirements of PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b, according to what you have chosen to do.


Iso Coated V2 280 Eci Model

A short example is:

Beware: when figures and other PDF files are included into your file (for instance here cow.jpg) those files may create difficulties for PDF/A compliance, and sometimes they have to be treated separately.

Iso Coated V2 280 Eci For Sale

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